conversion factor [数] 换算系数 ; [计量] 换算因子
credit conversion factor 信贷换算因数 ; 信贷换算因子 ; 信用转换系数 ; 信用转
mass conversion factor 质量换算因子 ; 原子质量换算因子 ; 质量转换因数
liquidity conversion factor 流动资产换算因子 ; 流动资产换算因数
energy conversion factor 能量换算率 ; 能量转换系数 ; 能量转换因素
depth conversion factor 压力深度转换系数 ; 压力 ; 深度转换系数
heat conversion factor 热换算因数
unit conversion factor 单位转换系数 ; 单位换算系数
atomic mass conversion factor 原子质量换算因子 ; 原子质量换算因数
volume conversion factor 体积换算系数
Insects also win on the "conversion factor" or ration of feed ingested by the animal to the meat produced by it - known as ECI.
But Gerardo Aldana, a professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, says the data supporting the widely-adopted conversion factor may be invalid.
Divide the figure you have calculated in step four by two (or similar conversion factor) in order to convert from ideal time to elapsed time.