...摘要: 拷贝数变异(copy number variation,CNVs)是一种染色体结构变异.CNVs会通过影响基因剂量、功能SNP和启动子拷贝数等影响基因表达,改变生物性状,最终影响生物的适应性.
...ox基因, 拷贝数变化, 进化速率 [gap=2154]Key words: Arabidopsis thaliana, A. lyrata, MADS-box gene, copy number variation, evolutionary rate ...
...首次踏入自闭症领域的研究,是与冷泉港同事西巴(Jonathan Sebat)合作的计画,其中探讨「复制数变异(copy number variation)这种会影响基因份数的自发性突变,是否与自闭症的发生有关。
Background and objective Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) and Copy number copy number variation (CNV) of DNA sequences is a common feature of cancer genomes, which is thought to be linked to tumorigenesis and progression.
参考来源 - 利用单核苷酸多态性芯片全基因组检测人大细胞肺癌细胞株的杂合性缺失和拷贝数变异Finally a newly defined genetic variation, copy number variation, was briefly introduced. This paper also summarized the shortcomings of current genome-wide asso-ciation studies and perspectives of its future.
参考来源 - 复杂疾病全基因组关联研究进展——研究设计和遗传标记·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Recently geneticists have taken a closer look at a genetic aberration previously considered rare: copy number variation (CNV).
最近遗传学家对以前被认为很罕见的遗传变异:拷贝数变异(copy number variation ,CNV)进行了更细致的研究。
"The copy number variation that researchers had seen before was simply the tip of the iceberg, while the bulk lay submerged, undetected," said Dr Hurles.
This expansive suite of tools meets the growing needs of researchers investigating copy number variation, protein binding events, and DNA Methylation.