...的代码贡献和评审,经社区推选,中兴通讯高*软件系统工程师李灿伟新晋成为OpenStack Watcher项目的核心贡献者(Core Contributor/Reviewer)。Watcher项目的PTL Alexander Chadin于北京时间2017年2月20日通过社区邮件列表正式公布了这*消息。
In addition related news core contributor Christophe Porteneuve’s book Prototype & script.aculo.us which covers the final versions Prototype 1.6.0 and script.aculo.us
除此之外,核心开发者Christophe Porteneuve的新书 Prototype与script.aculo.us中,也包含了Prototype 1.6.0以及script.aculo.us 1.8.0最终版的介绍。
It is fairly straightforward, using the FOAF and Dublin Core vocabularies to provide a name, a blog title and URL, and an RSS feed description for each blog contributor.
该模型非常简单,通过FOAF和Dublin Core词汇为每个blog投稿者提供名称、blog标题和URL。
Within the core Atom vocabulary, this set includes feed, entry, title, rights, subtitle, summary, content, category, link, author, and contributor.