corn bran 玉米糠 ; 玉米皮 ; 玉米粒的外壳 ; 玉米麸
corn-bran 玉米麸
corn bran dietary fiber 玉米皮膳食纤维
corn bran oil 玉米皮油
corn bran powder 玉米麸技质粉
Corn Bran Baskets 玉米皮筐
insoluble corn bran 不溶性玉米皮渣
corn bran polypeptide 玉米皮蛋白多肽
modified corn bran dietary fiber 改性玉米皮膳食纤维
corn gluten with bran 玉米面筋饲料
Opt for one that contains real fruit and is made from whole grain flour, corn meal or bran.
C. What kind of cereal would you like? We have corn flake, rice crisps, all bran, shredded wheat. Which one would you prefer?
Vegetable oils comes in a variety of forms - canola, palm, corn, soy, sunflower, safflower, cottonseed, rice bran and grape seed.