欧巴马对群集爱州维农山(Mount Vernon) 康乃尔学院 ( Cornell College )的群众说:「我得告诉你们,我们不需要搜集一堆活页夹去寻找符合资格、有才能、有干劲的年轻女性,她们已经准备好立刻在这些领...
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Weill Cornell Medical College 威尔康乃尔医学院
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Weil Cornell Medical College 康乃尔医学院
Cornell Medical College 康奈尔医学院
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Cornell University Weill Medical College 医学院
Cornell l College 康奈尔学院
When he went away to college at Cornell, Adam took the business with him, operating out of his small dorm room.
"I see it more as a universal method because it relies on biological markers," said Kircher, also an assistant professor of radiology at Weill Cornell Medical College.
Steven Maranz, a researcher at Weill Cornell Medical College, was given a grant to look at the effect of chocolate on the malaria parasite.