English translation for "准确" ... 尺寸准确: the silk-screen should be clear withou... detail>> 准确至: correct to detail>> 音调准确: in good tune detail>> ...
Unit V of this book explains those errors in detail and shows you ways to correct them.
Attributes from any levels below the slice should not be included or else the data will not be aggregated to the correct level of detail.
So count on what is detailed here to be correct in concept, if not exactly in detail, by the time JAXP 1.1 goes final in both its specification and reference implementation.
因此,如果在JAXP 1.1的规范和参考实现都完成之时发现细节部分不完全正确,请认为本文所述的细节部分在概念上是正确的。