... 关联雷达 correlation radar 关联理论 correlation theory 对应原理 correspondence principle ...
canonical correlation theory [数] 典型相关理论
least square correlation theory [数] 最小平方相关理论
self-correlation theory 自相关理论
grey correlation theory 灰关联理论
gray correlation theory 灰度关联理论
cross-correlation theory 互相关理论
digital correlation theory 数字相关原理
* Following the spectral correlation theory and wavelet transform theory, a method named as wavelet spectral correlation method is proposed for BPSK signal detection and chip rate estimation.
* 在谱相关理论和小波变换理论的基础上,提出了小波谱相关方法实现BPSK信号检测与码元速率的提取。
参考来源 - 低截获概率信号非平稳处理技术研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The correlation flowmeter based on polarity correlation theory is introduced.
Finally, it is proved by experiment that the correlation theory is rational and feasible.
This paper uses BSC to design the frame of possible index and uses correlation theory to filter the index.