联系方式(Correspond Address) 山东省济南市历下区文化东路88号(No 88, Lixia District, Wenhua East Road, Jinan, Shandong, 250014, P.R.
The distinct bands in the address space correspond to memory segments like the heap, stack, and so on.
内存地址空间是由诸如堆、栈等 段式内存管理 方式进行管理的。
Note that the Placemark element is actually an array of Placemarks, as multiple Placemarks might correspond to an address.
请注意,Placemark 元素实际上是一个 Placemarks 数组,可能有多个 Placemark 对应一个地址。
How does kernel know, which pages in the virtual address space correspond to a swapped out physical page frame?