...皮质醇; 生化指标; 运输应激; 苯唑卡因; 缓解作用 中图分类号: Q959 466 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1005- 8737- ( 2006) 05- [gap=15525]Key words: A losa sep idissim a; cort isol; biochemical paramet er; t ransport st ress; benzocaine; cat abat ic ef fect ..
The combination group remained high level of cortisol until ROSC 30min.
参考来源 - 窒息性心脏骤停心电变化特点及复苏疗效与应激激素变化的关系The main mechanism of thyroxin decreasing consists in the decrease of cotecholamine and cortisol and the disorders of liver and kidney,which inverts T4 into T3 decrease.
参考来源 - 甲状腺素和充血性心力衰竭的关系94例分析Objective: to study the effects of epidural block on plasma cortisol, interIeukin-2 and blood sugar to abdominal operations in dogs.
参考来源 - 犬硬膜外阻滞对腹部手术应激的初步研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
N → another name for hydrocortisone