ideal cosmopolitanism 理想的世界主义
cosmopolitanism theory 宇宙泛生学说
literature cosmopolitanism 文学世界主义
anti-cosmopolitanism 反世界主义
Towards Cosmopolitanism 走向世界主义
grounded cosmopolitanism 落地生根的四海为家者
cultural cosmopolitanism 文化天下主义
cosmopolitanism and nationalism 世界化和本土化
The third part concludes Chapter Seven, i. e. An brief comment on western contemporary cosmopolitanism.
参考来源 - 多维视野中的当代西方世界主义研究Wherefore he puts forward a very prophetic yet bold vision of rebuilding a modern Utopia that is based on the cosmopolitanism and universal fraternity.
参考来源 - 一个颠覆与重建的文本——评《美国在我心中》At the end of this thesis, it puts forward that the creation of modern music must face up to the issue of the relationship between cosmopolitanism and nationality.
参考来源 - 析沟上日出夫声乐套曲《永不关闭的剧场》的创作特征·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
That helps to explain why the city's cosmopolitanism has somehow survived.
But today, once the bands pack up and leave, they take the cosmopolitanism with them.
From finding it to fighting it was a necessary step, one that put him on a path toward cosmopolitanism.