costa rican 哥斯达黎加 ; 哥斯大黎加 ; 哥斯达黎加的
Costa Rican Cougar 哥斯大黎加山豹
Costa Rican Tiger rump 哥斯达黎加老虎尾
Costa Rican colón 哥斯大黎加科朗 ; 哥斯达黎加克朗
Costa Rican Summer 燃情夏日
Costa Rican Colon 哥斯达黎加科朗 ; 哥斯达黎加
Costa Rican Rain Forest 哥斯达黎加雨林
Costa Rican Terrazzo SHB 哥斯达黎加特硬
Costa Rican Art Museum 哥斯达黎加艺术博物馆
Some passengers remain missing, the Costa Rican foreign ministry said, but did not specify how many.
The Costa Rican people hold friendly feelings towards China and thank for China's help.
Gilberto tamed the crocodile so well they put on a regular show in the Costa Rican city of Limon.