costal bone [解剖] 肋骨
costal pleura [解剖] 肋胸膜 ; 胸膜
costal periostotome 肋骨骨膜刀
costal elevator 肋骨起子 ; 肋骨骨膜剥离器
costal cartilage [解剖] 肋软骨
costal fold [昆] 前缘褶 ; [昆] 膜垂
costal process 肋骨突 ; [解剖] 肋突 ; 源自胸椎的肋突
costal fracture 肋骨骨折
costal surface 肋面 ; 肺肋面 ; 肋骨面
Conclusion Spiral ct has important value in the diagnosis of costal cartilage fracture.
Because in Dallas, t have the restrictions of building house that we have in costal California.
在达拉斯,没有限制盖房的规定,they, don,不像加州。
Because in Dallas, t have the restrictions of building house that we have in costal California.