...拥有者之一 法维莱酒庄的5大系列葡萄酒 夏布丽 (Chablis) : 白葡萄酒 夜丘 (Cote de Nuits) : 红葡萄酒 博纳丘 (Cote de Beaune): 红白葡萄酒 夏隆内丘 (Cote Chalonnaise): 红白葡萄酒 覆盆子庄园 (Domaine de la Framboisere) :红白葡萄酒 法维莱酒庄7代简...
Cote de Beaune Villages 博恩村酿干红葡萄酒 ; 布蒙之谷村 ; 博恩村酿
Cote de Beaune Village 伯恩山丘干红葡萄酒 ; 或者伯恩丘村庄级葡萄酒
Cote de Beaune-Villages 博纳丘村产区
Cote-de-Beaune 博纳区
Volnay is a village in the Cote DE Beaune, renowned for making some of the smoothest, most delicate red wines of the southern Coted 'or.
ABSTRACT: Volnay is a village in the Cote DE Beaune, renowned for making some of the smoothest, most delicate red wines of the southern Coted 'or.
Cote DE Beaune Villages is a different appellation. Wines from all the cote DE Beaune area can substitute their local appellation with this regional type of appellation.