...Intake Valve/Exhaust Valve) 气缸盖进气门和排气门气门座(Valve Seat)气门弹簧气门弹簧(Valve Spring)气门锁块气门锁块(Cotter)气门间隙调节垫气门座气门弹簧气门锁块气门间隙调节垫凸轮轴(Camshaft)摇臂摇臂(Rocker Arm)摇杆摇杆(Swing Arm)正时皮带正时皮带...
cotter pin 开口销 ; [机] [机] 开尾销 ; 启齿销 ; 曲柄梢
Valve Cotter 汽门锁 ; 气门锁环 ; 气阀制销 ; 气门锁夹
COTTER PINS 开口销 ; 开口梢 ; 开尾销 ; 檫口梢
cotter bolt 插销螺栓
split cotter 开尾销 ; 开口销
cotter key 扁销键 ; 键销 ; 销键
Cotter Schools 科特中学 ; 科特高中 ; 院校来华
cotter joint 栓接头 ; [机] 销接合 ; [机] 铰链接合 ; [机] 制销联轴节
Steel Cotter Pin 钢扁销
N any part, such as a pin, wedge, key, etc, that is used to secure two other parts so that relative motion between them is prevented 销; 栓
V to secure (two parts) with a cotter 用销、栓关紧
N a villein in late Anglo-Saxon and early Norman times occupying a cottage and land in return for labour (盎格鲁-撒克逊人晚期和诺曼底人)早期以耕种农田为代价住在农舍的隶农 (Also called cottier) [English history]