孩子呛水会引起咳嗽反射(cough reflex),是身体本能反应,目的是要排出闯入呼吸道内的异物,或因受到刺激而产生过多的分泌物,有清理、保护和维持呼吸道畅通的作用。
laryngeal cough reflex 中的喉咳嗽反射 ; 喉咳嗽反射 ; 和喉咳嗽反射
fentanyl-cough reflex 咳嗽反射 ; 芬太尼诱发咳嗽反射
Cough-reflex sensitivity 咳嗽反射敏感性测试
cough reflex sensitivity 咳嗽敏感性
laryngeal cough expiratory reflex 喉咳嗽呼气反射 ; 和喉咳嗽呼气反射
reflex cough test 反射咳嗽试验
reflex x cough 反射性咳
以上来源于: WordNet
A gurgling or rattling sound sometimes made in the throat of a dying person, caused by loss of the cough reflex and passage of the breath through accumulating mucus.
Conclusion Topical anesthesia of tracheal mucosa using compound lidocaine cream may reduce the cough reflex and breath holding during extubation, and inhibit the stress reaction.
It is readily absorbed by the GI (gastrointestinal) tract, from where it freely crosses the blood-brain barrier. It acts mainly on the central nervous system by depressing the cough reflex.