... 和 ( ) 2 t η ,其互相关函数定义为 ( ) ( ) ( ) [ ] 2 1 2 1 , t t E t t R η ξ ξη = 协方差函数(covariance function):分为自协方差和互协方差。 自协方差函数表示随机过程在任意两个时刻起伏值之间的平均相关程度。
... 共变量估计量 Covariance estimator 共变量函数 Covariance function 共变异数矩阵 Covariance matrix ...
Auto-covariance Function [数] 自协方差函数
cross covariance function 互协方差函数
sample covariance function [数] 样本协方差函数
Cross-covariance Function [数] 互协方差函数 ; 交互协方差函数
atto covariance function 自积差函数
local covariance function 协方差函数
error covariance function 协方差误函数
spatial covariance function 空间协方差函数
However, some problems, ’such as determination of covariance function,reliabi1ity of covariance function and "intrinsic imperfection" of col1ocation,restricted using of collocation.
参考来源 - 拟合推估的质量理论The Cokriging is marked as CK and expressed by covariance function. The correlation of two variables is researched, and the coorelation of soil water content, soil EC and growing index of crop is also attempted researching.
参考来源 - 土壤水盐与作物信息空间结构性及其协同关系研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
According to the statistic characteristic of covariance function, parameter estimation can be given for kernel function.
By the analysis of airborne gravity measurement data, this paper constructs a space covariance function model with spatial characteristics.
According to the Markov approximation under a long haul condition, we get the inter-correlation function, log-amplitude and phase covariance function.