深圳市深圳开来酒店(Cozy Hotel)客房宽敞明亮、温馨舒适,是您旅行的最佳选择;深圳市深圳开来酒店(Cozy Hotel)位于深圳市蛇口花果山路72号四海公园旁,是一家高标准的特色三星级酒店,拥有各种客房上百余间,均视野开阔,陈设一流;附近的医...
Charcoa House & Cozy Hotel 常州久馨居精品酒店
Manohra Cozy Hotel 曼诺拉舒适酒店 ; 苏林甜酒店
Amos Cozy Hotel 阿莫斯舒适酒店
Nantra Cozy Hotel 南特拉舒适酒店 ; 芭堤雅南雀休闲酒店
Hanoi Cozy Hotel 河内舒适的酒店 ; 河内安逸酒店
Sapa Cozy Hotel 沙巴温馨酒店
Hanoi Cozy Hotel 2 河内舒适的酒店
Cozy Hotel Dongtan 东滩舒适酒店
Amberton Cozy Hotel 安伯顿温馨之家酒店 ; 酒店
So we finally left our cozy hotel, to explore the area by feet and by car.
The hotel’s well-trained staffs provide all guests with its first-class service they need for a pleasant and cozy stay at the hotel. The guests are ensured to feel at home while staying at the hotel.
宾馆服务人员训练有素,为每位宾客提供一流服务,使他们在宾馆期间 愉快舒适,有一种宾至如归的感觉,离别时所带走的是种种美好的回忆。
The two were first spotted getting cozy Friday night at los Angeles's Mondrian Hotel, where they laughed and talked the night away, finally closing down the bar, says the source.