cranial nerve [解剖] 脑神经 ; [解剖] 颅神经 ; 面神经
cranial nerve palsy 颅神经麻痹 ; 颅神经损伤 ; 经麻痹
cranial nerve nuclei 脑神经核
Cranial Nerve Injuries 颅神经损伤
Cranial Nerve Diseases 颅神经疾病
cranial nerve injury 颅神经损害 ; 第十四章颅神经损害 ; 颅神经损伤 ; 第十四章
seventh cranial nerve 第七脑神经 ; 释义第七脑神经
cranial nerve growthine 脑神经生长素 ; 观察脑神经生长素
somatic efferent cranial nerve 躯体传出脑神经
The diagnosis is made clinically based on the rash affecting only one dermatome associated with the ophthalmic division of cranial nerve V (trigeminal nerve).
These nerves are twined together to form the vestibulocochlear nerve (eighth cranial nerve).
The relationship between symptoms of headache, cranial nerve and skull base bone invasion and CSI was analyzed.