... Drop tables before create(生成表之前先删除) Create database if not exist(不存在时新建) Lock tables before read(读表之前锁定) ...
If the tables do not exist, it will connect to the database and create them, then generate the necessary data source definitions so the application can access the database containing those tables.
Next you will need to create a new JSF page (if one does not already exist called addnews.jsp) based on the basetemplate.jtpl that will be used for adding news to a table in the database.
下一步您需要创建一个新的js f页面(如果不存在名为addnews . jsp的页面),该页面基于basetemplate . jtpl,它将用于向数据库的表格中添加消息。
If the database does not exist, MongoDB will create it as soon as you add any data to it.