creatine phosphate 磷酸肌酸 ; 磷酸肌酸钠 ; 肌磷酸 ; 磷酸肌酸钠盐四水
Creatine phosphate disodium salt 磷酸肌酸二钠盐 ; 磷酸肌酸二磷
creatine phosphate sodium 磷酸肌酸钠 ; 富马酸依美斯汀 ; 研究磷酸肌酸钠
Creatine phosphate sodium salt 无水磷酸肌酸二钠盐 ; 磷酸肌酸钠 ; 肌酸磷酸钠盐 ; 产品名称无水磷酸肌酸二钠盐
Creatine phosphate disodium salt tetrahydrate 四水磷酸肌酸二钠盐 ; 磷酸肌酸二钠盐 ; 磷酸肌酸钠四水
Creatine Phosphate Sodium for Injection 注射用磷酸肌酸钠 ; 磷酸肌酸钠
Disodium Creatine Phosphate 磷酸肌酸二钠盐 ; 肌酸磷酸二钠盐 ; 磷酸肌酸钠
Sodium creatine phosphate dibasic tetrahydrate 四水磷酸肌酸二钠盐 ; 四水肌酸磷酸钠盐 ; 四水磷酸肌酸钠盐
Sodium creatine phosphate dibas 四水磷酸肌酸二钠盐
Sodium creatine phosphate 无水磷酸肌酸二钠盐
Conclusions: the results suggest that FDP may be helpful to the acute hibernating myocardium by increasing the creatine phosphate content and improve the diastolic function.
The scarcity of ornithine aminotransferase in the kidney-yang deficiency rats resulted in deficient creatine phosphate which was need for depositing energy and most of ATP was consumed as heat energy.
Conclusion: Creatine phosphate sodium treatment of infantile rotavirus enteritis and myocardial damage is safe and effective, it is worthy of clinical application.