...债息曾升24点子至4厘,西班牙及意大利债息曾升7点子至2.83及2.95厘,令承保欧洲金融债风险的信贷违约掉期(credit default swap,CDS)指数连升5天至一个月来的高位。
信用违约掉期(Credit Default Swaps )是结构衍生金融产品的一种。这里涉及到大批的信用级别不高的公司发行的公司债,它的价值链:CORPORATE--BOND---CDS/SECURILIZE...
credit default swap index 信用违约掉期指数 ; 信用违约交换指数
CDS - credit default swap 信用违约掉期
Credit Default Swap or CDS 信用违约互换
super senior credit default swap 出售的超高级信用违约掉期产品
CDS Credit Default Swap 信用违约交换
Credit Default Swap market 信用违约互换市场
Credit t Default Swap 信用违约互换 ; 信用违约交换
以上来源于: WordNet
N a contract in which the parties exchange the exposure to loss should a creditor fail to make a payment when it comes due back 信用违约互换; 规定如果债权人在归还期限内不能如期支付,则双方将损失互换的合同 ( abbr: CDS) [finance]
You are as blameless for these credit default swap losses as I am.
We use the same query as in Listing 3 to obtain credit default swap from DB2, so we won't repeat it here.
我们使用与 清单 3 中相同的查询来从 DB2 获得信用违约掉期,所以这里不再重复它。
One aspect of this application might need to obtain current market data about the firms referenced in credit default swap trades.