其他:关于信用卡,你的理解有偏差,信用卡的英文是credit card(贷记卡),在财务中,银行存款在 贷方 ( credit side )是表示银行存款的减少,因此作为主体的银行来说应该是减少资产,对于消费者来说就是要减少信用卡账户中的余额,才是正确的.
Credit side of deferred tax 递延税款贷项
Credit side of other tax 其他递延贷项
Credit Side of Other Deferred 其他递延贷项
accounts on the credit side 贷方账
credit side and debit side 贷方和借方
entry on credit side 计入贷方 ; 贷方记账
以上来源于: WordNet
The ledger shows 300 pounds on the debit side and 50 pounds on the credit side.
The ledger shows 300 pounds on the debit side and 50 pounds on the credit side.
According the most reasonable theory which I can draw, mankind is composed by a couple of contrary species, debit side and credit side.