..., 使试样在规定时间产生的蠕变伸长率(总伸长率或塑性伸长率)或稳态蠕变速率不超过规定值的最大应力称为蠕变极限(Creep limit) 。 与常温下的屈服强度相似, 蠕变极限是金属材料在高温长时载荷作用下的塑性变形抗力指标。
conventional creep limit 习用潜变限度 ; 公称蠕变极限
creep limit stress 蠕变极限
creep rate limit 蠕动率极限
creep action limit switch 蠕动限制开关
limit of creep 蠕变极限
Limit creep 潜变限度
creep p action limit switch 蠕动限制开关
Transient creep limit is a power function of steady state creep strain rate.
It is also shown that under the creep limit failure criterion, the creep internal stress method has the advantage of less test time in comparison with the isothermal...
It is found that the frequency creep caused by superradiance usually results in this kind of limit cycle like oscillations.