...刑法原则; 刑事责任; 教育刑 中图分类号: D904 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1001 - 5124(2008) - 0081 - 05 05 [gap=8959]Key Words: general provisions of penal code;criminal law principles;criminal responsibility;educational punishment (责任编辑 王 抒) ..
The second section describes the issue of China's criminal forfeiture of property, focusing on analysis of the confiscation of property penalties for a breach of criminal law principles and values.
According to the New Criminal Law and judicial interpretation concerned, punishment on such marriages in the name of crime of bigamy does not go against the legal principles.
Medical criminal law can never establish itself as a branch of "learning" unless efforts are made to explore the common principles in medical criminal law studies.
On the other hand, the psychological theory of behaviorism has had a huge impact and I think a lot of people's ways of thinking about criminal justice and criminal law has been shaped by behaviorist principles.