...t the standard for attendance and punctuality » 我可以符合非盟特派团的政策,以符合标准的考勤 critical events » 重要事件 above provision » 上述条文 ..
critical events dealing system 突发事件处理系统
the Critical Events Model 重要事件模式
CEM-Critical Events Model 关键因素模式
Critical Events Model 关键因素模式
Critical Quality Events 关键质量事件
critical real-world events 重大社会问题研究
Its formation is not only crystal of long practice, but also results of many factors’together function, involving molding of personal life, impulse of critical events, teacher’s subjective position and conscience.
参考来源 - 教师个人理论及其形成·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
However, this slow development can be short-circuited by critical events or by a group's decision to change norms.
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to only log critical events, such as warnings and errors, during the build.
Critical events is contained in trust, switch cost and perceived substitution are not in the structure of customer relationship drivers.