CIIP风险管理的现状 所谓关键信息基础设施(Critical Information Infrastructure, CII)是保障支持水利、电力以及电信 等相互关联的关键基础设施正常运作的信息网络。
Critical Information Infrastructure Protection 关键资讯基础设施保护
Critical Infrastructure Information 基础设施信息
Critical Infrastructure Information Act 重大公共建设资讯法
First of all, the main operator role in critical information infrastructure is unknown.
In the COBIT framework, resource management looks at critical it resources: applications, information, infrastructure and people.
An SNMP Manager can poll SNMP Agents residing on critical hardware and software for key information, so that you know the business infrastructure is alive and well.
SNMP Manager能够轮询驻留在关键软硬件上的SNMP Agents来获取关键信息,以便您知道业务基础设施是健康的。