...关键路径法 cpm critical path method; cpm=critical path method; critical path method cpm; critical path method,cpm; critical path method-cpm 基准直径法 basic diameter method ..
Critical Path Method CPM 要径法 ; 关键路线法 ; 关键路径法
CPM Critical Path Method 关键路径法 ; 关键线路法 ; 要径法
CPM-Critical Path Method 关键路线法 ; 关键路径法
This method of analysis is commonly known as the Critical Path method (CPM).
该分析方法通常被称为关键路线法(Critical Path Method (CPM))。
The network planning technique is a kind of method formulating plans and project management execution. Critical path method (CPM) and Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) are commonly used.