cross bond 交联键 ; 交叉砌合 ; 跨接联轨线 ; 交叉扎线
garden wall cross bond 园墙交替砌合
intermolecular cross-bond 分子间交联
english cross bond 砖头缝错开的英国式砌合 ; 英国式顶顺交叉砌合
gel cross-bond 交联冻胶
rail-to-rail and track-to-track cross bond 均流线
block and cross bond 丁顺砖交叉砌合
cross cable bond 电缆铠甲的横向连接器
But it also reflects the lower disruption from tightening the REINS on foreign acquisitions compared with forcing loan or bond defaults by blocking cross-border debt repayments.
Life without bond and, on why the first cross homology.
According to the components of the reactants, the electron transfer reactions can be divided into three types: self-exchange reactions, cross reactions and bond-rupture electron transfer reaction.