...应商管理库存)QR(quick responce)快速反应,有效的消费者回应ECR(efficient consumer responce),交叉转运(cross docking) 协同预测与补货(Collaborative Planning Forecasting and Replenishment),RFID (Radio Frequency Identification,无线射频...
cross-docking 越库配送 ; 跨入坞 ; 导入接驳式转运中心 ; 越库作业
Cross-Docking Effect 越库效应
cross docking system 越库配送系统
Warehousing and Cross-docking 仓储分拨管理
stockless cross docking center 无存货的码头
Cross Docking Cross Docking 接驳式转运
Cross docking job 越库作业
According to the actuality of logistics in China, we represent the advertent aspect during implementing the cross docking.
参考来源 - 越库——物流领域的准时制策略—《物流科技》—2008年第1期—龙源期刊网The article put forward this view by theory with practice first time. This article studied the Cross Docking on the view of theory first, including the classification of Cross Docking, conditions of the implementations, processes, and advantages.
参考来源 - 基于排队和排序理论的两阶段越库作业调度算法研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
This paper studies the so called two-stage cross docking logistics scheduling problem and its algorithms.
This paper considers the cross docking distribution scheduling problem, with the objective to minimize the total weighted completion times.
The paper studies the schedule problem of cross docking distribution in the situation of two machines, which objective function is the total weighted completion time.