拉杆 中文名称: 垂直拉杆 英文名称: Cross Stay 友情链接 中国剃须刀网 中国沙漏网 中国编织带网 中国绸制品网 中国美发理发用具网 中国油管网 中国油菜籽网 中国洗碗机网 中国字幕
style of cross stay 横撑样式
space of cross stay 横撑间距
Building the Chain Stay Cross-Member 建设连锁住宿跨会员
cross s stay 横撑条
Stay extra safe: If the burger's not hot enough and you have to cook it longer, be sure to wash the thermometer before you test the meat again to avoid cross contamination.
The development leader or architect should be stay focused on any cross application dependencies or areas where resources can be combined.
You gotta stay active. I was in track, cross country and basketball in high school, but once I started college, the running and basketball began to slowly fade away.