To discover the case’s reality is the precondition of the correct implement of the crucifixion. Only when discover the case’s reality, can the judge make a verdict justly.
参考来源 - 法官庭外调查权研究(研究生论文)The Chinese people have the same cognition of "crucifixion" as the international society.
参考来源 - 反酷刑的国际共识与中国构想·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
同义词: excruciation
以上来源于: WordNet
N-VAR Crucifixion is a way of killing people which was common in the Roman Empire, in which they were tied or nailed to a cross and left to die. 被钉死在十字架上
...her historical novel about the crucifixion of Christians in Rome.
N-PROPER The Crucifixion is the crucifixion of Christ. 耶酥受难
...the central message of the Crucifixion.