... I'm so over being blue我是如此的伤心 Crying over you为你而哭泣 And I'm so sick of love songs 我是如此厌恶爱情歌曲 ...
It isn't until you spill the bottle, and nail polish gets all over the carpet that you realize you can't stop crying.
You know, we went through six months of crying and funerals and I thought it was over.
Me?Over Dumbo?Ha ha ha.No, boys, what I am doing is man-crying, a sort of non-crying cry.I'll teach you it one day.Very useful.
“我? 为<傻瓜>哭吗? 哈哈. 不, 我的孩子们, 我的是“男人式的哭泣”, 那是一种无声无泪的哭泣. 总有一天我会教你们的. 它非常有用!”