crystalline lens [解剖] 晶状体 ; 水晶体 ; 眼珠水晶体
Intumescence crystalline lens 结晶晶状体肿大
equator of crystalline lens 晶状体中纬线
laminae of crystalline lens 晶状体板
crystalline lens rise 晶状体上升距离
equator crystalline lens 晶状体中纬线
crystalline lens detail 眼珠水晶体 ; 水晶体
nucleus of crystalline lens 晶状体核
human crystalline lens 人正常晶状体
Cataract: Opacity of the eye's crystalline lens. Cataracts causing central visual-field defects are most likely to affect vision.
The composition of crystalline in human PCO was similar to that of human lens.
A cataract is an opacity that develops in the crystalline lens of the eye or in its envelope.