cu-zn-al合金 cu-zn-al alloy
cu-zn-al sma cuznal形状记忆合金
cu zn al alloy cuznal合金
cu zn al catalyst cuznal催化剂
a cu-zn-al alloy cuznal合金
cu-zn-al-mn alloy cuznalmn合金
Cu-Zn-Al-Mn catalyst 一氧化碳
Preparation of Cu-Zn-Al catalyst precursor for methanol and higher alcohol synthesis and the relationship between its structure and properties have been studied.
Metallic elements such as Fe, Cu, al, Pb, Na, Zn, Sn and Cd etc. would influence the stability of grape wine.
The composition and forming mechanism of black strips on Al-Zn-Mg-Cu hot rolled plates were studied.