cubic metre [计量] 立方米
CBM Cubic metre 立方米
m cubic metre 立方米 ; 立方公尺
per cubic metre 每立方米
standard cubic metre 标准立方米
cubic metre of earth 挖土的计量单位 ; 计量单位
a cubic metre of coal 一立方米的煤
stacked cubic metre [木] 堆垛立方米
cumcbm cubic metre 立方大米立方公尺
By reducing particulate matter (PM10) pollution from 70 to 20 micrograms per cubic metre, we can cut air quality related deaths by around 15%.
将可吸入颗粒物(PM 10)从每立方米70微克减少到20微克,则与空气质量有关的死亡就可减少大约15%。
Some employ distillation, which needs about 10 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of energy per cubic metre of seawater processed. Brine is heated, and the resulting water vapour is condensed.
Reverse osmosis is the most favoured method, though, and in Israel and Algeria contracts have been signed for salt-free water at about 55 cents a cubic metre.