地方本科院校复合应用型人才培养模式的研究 — Rznc.Com论文网 关键词:地方本科院校;复合应用型人才;培养模式 [gap=780]Key words: local colleges; versatile and practical talents; cultivating mode
talent-cultivating mode 人才培养模式
flexible cultivating mode 柔性培养模式
personnel-cultivating mode 人才培养模式
classified cultivating mode 分类培养模式
Cooperative Cultivating Mode 协作培养模式
cultivating mode of personnel 人才培养模式
harvesting and cultivating mode 采育模式
Referring to the big demand for safety engineering graduates, a cultivating mode is proposed, which has a foothold in industry, faces the whole society and is expert in one thing and good at many.
根据煤炭行业和社会对安全人才的需求 ,提出了立足行业 ,面向社会 ,一专多向的培养模式。
参考来源 - 期刊学术社区·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The whole cultivating mode is centered by stressing the ability.
Talent-cultivating mode is the guarantee of the teaching quality.
Postgraduate cultivating mode is of great importance in perfecting postgraduate educational system.