...秦文化;简牍;封泥;金文;陶文中图分类号:K233 文献标识码:A 文献编号:1672 -3910(2006)01 -0005 -08收稿日期: 2005 -04[gap=14981]Key words: unearthed documents; culture in the Qin Dynasty; bamboo slips; mudcap; inscription on ancientbronze objects; inscription on pot..
Yan studied in this paper from the Western Zhou Dynasty culture refers to before the Qin unification, by living in the State of Yan Yan who created the archaeological and cultural relics.
Since the Qin Dynasty the Chinese society has been a civilian society and has formed a tradition of civilian culture in which process the tradition of the noble culture has been gradually declining.
The cooking potteries are the most important wares in researching the archaeological culture and the social economy before Qin dynasty.