文化反堵 ( culture jamming )是文化步履主义的延伸形式之一,路程经过过程讽刺地仿照告白,劫持告白看板、招贴、logo等形式,彻底改变其原先承载的讯息,涉及文化...
文化恶搞(culture jamming)是利用原有媒体沟通的形式来转化媒 体以创造对其自身的批判,揭露企业形象与广告所隐藏的真相,用以 对抗无所不在的重商主义(co...
以上来源于: WordNet
N a form of political and social activism which, by means of fake adverts, hoax news stories, pastiches of company logos and product labels, computer hacking, etc, draws attention to and at the same time subverts the power of the media, governments, and large corporations to control and distort the information that they give to the public in order to promote consumerism, militarism, etc 文化反堵