... all events 全能 ; 所有事件 Current Events 时事 ; 近期国内外大事 ; 当前事件 ; 时事茶馆 Events Management 事件管理 ...
...日新闻和报导的同时,它还供给讲授方面的相干资料 在它的讲授网页上,有不少值当浏览的栏目好比Current Events(近期国内外大事)栏,就是为教员在讲堂讲授中施用该报报导供给提议和具健康水平料的 而在Teachers'' Place栏目里,你可以找到一些先容其它西席如何...
current events instruction 时事教学
News & Current Events 新闻和时事
commentary on current events 时事评论
current events in india 印度的要闻
Current events News 时事要闻
An awareness of current events 时代前沿的嗅觉
We focus on current events 我们应该关注时事
以上来源于: WordNet
N-PLURAL →see current affairs
Keeping track of current events can help us improve our writing ability.
I like this course because it's a mix of history, religious studies and current events.
Not only do they report on current events but also inform and shape the public discourse.
But users also ask about current events and many other subjects.
VOA: special.2009.10.12
And last year to did we hand students Google maps, Google news, asked them to mash those two very familiar real world products together so that they had a map of the United States, little markers sprinkled throughout, that indicated exactly where there were current events going on.
And I like it because it's a mix of history, religious studies and current events.