...现状调查;体育新课程标准 [gap=1382]Key words: middle school in urban district; school physical education; current situation investigation; the new standard of physical education ..
This article investigates and analyzes current situation of staff sports of large and medium-sized enterprises in Liaoning province using questionnaire investigation.
This paper, on the basis of investigation and literature, makes an analysis on the current situation of the reserve forces of the Chinese sports acrobatics.
The essay makes an investigation on the current situation of college students' psychological health in Henan province, and finds the primal problem with the SCL - 90 psychological scale drawing.
本文运用SCL - 90心理学自述量表,调查了河南省高校大学生的心理健康现状,找出了心理健康方面所存在的主要问题。