Riemann curvature tensor 黎曼曲率张量 ; 微分毕安其恒等式
projective curvature tensor [数] 射影曲率张量
conformal curvature tensor 保形曲率张量
Ricci curvature tensor 里奇曲率张量
Riemannian curvature tensor 黎曼曲率张量
Einstein curvature tensor 爱因斯坦曲率张量
mixed curvature tensor [数] 混合曲率张量 ; 混合张量
harmonic Riemannian curvature tensor 调和Riemann曲率张量
monogenic curvature tensor 单基因曲率张量
In this paper the author using tensor calculus shows that the equation for induced normal curvature of Nankai University and that of Sakai (Japanese) are of unity.
This paper studies the Schouten tensor on the locally conformally flat manifold, and gets some sufficient conditions for m to be the space of constant curvature, which improves the known results.