...称: 太阳能系统及构件 定制系统 第1部分:一般要求 英文名称: Thermal solar systems and components - Custom built systems - Part 1: General requirements 页数: 8 采用标准: DIN V ENV 12977-1 (2001-10), EQV*B..
The employees are managed through a custom built system that keeps track of who participates.
The sample application is in no way something that can be deployed to a production system, but rather shows the components needed to test out a custom built Human Task Manager application.
样例应用程序决不能部署到产品系统中,只是展示了测试客户构建Human Task Manager应用程序所需的组件。
We also understand what reusable assets we can leverage, and what aspects of the system need to be custom built.