Customs Service Area 海关申报处
Korea Customs Service 韩国关税厅 ; 韩国海关
federal customs service 联邦海关服务部 ; 总署 ; 俄罗斯海关 ; 俄罗斯联邦海关局
the customs service 海关业务
Australian Customs Service 请参考澳大利亚海关 ; 详情请参考澳大利亚海关 ; 澳洲海关
CUSTOMS SERVICE 韩国关税厅 ; 报关服务 ; 海关服务台
New Zealand Customs Service 新西兰海关局 ; 新西兰海关
United States Customs Service 美国关税署 ; 美国海关
Customs Service Counter 海关服务柜台
In fact, the United States Customs Service reports that CFC-12 is a contraband problem second only to illicit drugs.
事实上,美国海关报告说,CFC-12 是仅次于违禁药物的第二大违禁品。
Bolivia's customs service says that over 80,000 vehicles were registered in a fortnight.
Bolivia's customs service says that over 80, 000 vehicles were registered in a fortnight.