cut-and-fill design 挖填设计
cut and fill 充填开采 ; 充填法开采 ; 挖方和填方 ; 挖填
cut-and-fill slope 半填半挖式斜坡 ; 挖填斜坡
cut and fill mining 充填开采
equal of cut and fill 土石方平衡
inclined cut and fill 倾斜分层充填回采 ; 倾斜分层充填
rill cut and fill method 倾斜分层充填采煤法
cut-and-fill sedimentation 冲淤沉积作用
以上来源于: WordNet
Excellent results were obtained in mining of pillars using tailings in horizontal cut-and-fill.
By means of initial strain method, the plastic problem in cut-and-fill mining is solved by integration equation.
To overcome the difficulty of unstability of orebody and surrounding rock, the test of flat-back cut-and-fill drift mining is carried out.