... 法力熄灭 Mana Burn 力熄灭 Mana Burn 熄灭点 extinction point ; cut off point ; cutoff point ...
grade cut-off point 分成数线
cut-off point 截断点 ; [经管] 分界点 ; 断开点 ; 截止点
energy cut-off point 号的能量截止点
capital cut-off point 资本取舍点
enrollment cut-off point 录取分数线
cut-off point decimal point 关闭发动机的瞬时
cut-off point' 的解释
The statement is prepared on the financial picture at the end of the month, and their check was a few days late so it missed the cut off point.
Is there a cut-off point between childhood and adulthood?
According to Bousso and colleagues, the only way to avoid this conundrum is to introduce a cut-off point, which then helps make sense again.
z And what you need to remember is if the z 8 is equal to eight or greater, such as oxygen being the cut-off point, this sigma 2 p orbital is actually lower in energy than the pi 2 p orbitals, the molecular orbitals.