cycle racing 自行车竞赛 ; 自行车运动 ; 自行车比赛 ; 自行车活动
racing cycle 公路赛车 ; 马路跑车
Still take part cycle racing 希望自己可以
Anita's Cycle Racing 阿妮塔的自行车赛
Bend cycle racing 弯道赛车
Road cycle racing 公路自行车赛
Cycle racing baby 赛车宝贝
Dexter cycle racing 德克斯特赛车
Spongebob Cycle Racing 海绵宝宝卡丁车
Although at the time it was one of the premier cycle-racing facilities in the world, the road a decade later is in disrepair, with weeds growing up through cracks.
This is a serious racing bike which made its debut at the annual Milan-San Remo cycle race on March 19th, where it was ridden by the winner, Matt Goss.
3月19日一年一度的米兰-圣雷莫自行车大赛首次亮相并由冠军玛特·科斯(Matt Coss)所骑的赛车就是一款非供消遣的赛车。