功率自行车(cycle ergometer)的优点:运动负荷时上肢保持相对稳定,容易测定血压和采血;由于坐位运动,体重对运动负荷影响不大,这对于运动强体重变化较大的...
... 刹车测试区 brake test area only 踏车测力计 cycle ergometer 跟车模式;自动跟车系统 car following model ...
cycle ergometer test 蹬车运动试验
cycle ergometer frame 踏车功量计坐架 ; 释义踏车功量计坐架
cycle ergometer exercise 踏车测力计练习
cycle ergometer exercise test 踏车运动试验
exercise cycle ergometer tests 踏车测力计试验
The women's aerobic fitness (peak absolute oxygen consumption) was measured using a cycle ergometer.
Participation in the lab-based study using a Velotron cycle ergometer will involve preliminary sessions of fitness testing, metabolic rate measurement and a time trial.
整个实验以实验室研究为基础、用Velotron 的周期测功计进行丈量,参与者将会进行一次初步的健身测试、变化的比率丈量和和时间测验。