...循环软化; 循环蠕变; 应力控制 [gap=1028]Key words: polymer; fatigue; damage model; triaxiality stress constraint; cyclic softening; cyclic creep; stress control ...
The details are presented as follows. At different stress amplitudes (i. e. , HCF regime, LCF regime and in-between regime), cyclic softening occurs in each case, and this phenomenon takes place more significantly with increasing stress amplitude.
参考来源 - 应力幅和温度对超细晶铜的疲劳与损伤行为的影响The experimental results show that the PTFE is a rate-dependent material. Cyclic softening is found to exist under pure torsion loadings, and the PTFE has noticeable non-Masing behavior.
参考来源 - 聚四氟乙烯室温下单轴和多轴循环变形实验研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The results show that the matrix in the microstructure occurs dynamic recovery and recrystallization and the materials generate cyclic softening during thermal cycling.
At lower annealing temperature obtain high strength and high yield ratio showed cyclic softening feature easily. That is detrimental to the using life of coiled tubing.
Then, a logic computational diagram is constructed for calculating diametral growth by assuming fatigue cyclic softening, namely yield strength reduction as tubing fatigues.