... Seal hunting 加拿大海豹捕杀业 ; 加拿大海豹捕杀业 Cylinder seal 滚筒印章 ; 圆筒印章 ; 滚筒印 ; 圆柱形印章 static seal 静密封 ; 衬垫 ; 静态密封 ; 静密封 ...
最有西亚特色的文物应该是圆柱形印章(Cylinder Seal)了,在乌尔王陵发现的圆柱形印章(约公元前2275年)表现的都是王室生活场面,如宴饮、勇士与动物角斗等。
cylinder seal ring 钢套密封圈 ; 缸密封圈
ejector cylinder seal 推卸器油缸密封
leaky cylinder seal 泄漏的气缸密封
Hydraulic Cylinder Seal 液压缸油封 ; 液压油缸密封圈
wheel cylinder seal kit 车轮油缸密封成套工具
tilt cylinder seal 倾斜油缸密封圈
improved cylinder seal 改进的油缸密封
hydraulic cylinder seal kit 液压油缸密封件成套工具
air cylinder seal 风洞密封件
以上来源于: WordNet
There first appeared a type of object that remained characteristic for Mesopotamia throughout its entire history: the cylinder seal.
This paper points out the potential applications of arc-shaped and stepped seal and the possible damage on cylinder seal cause...
Design blue print of the hydraulic cylinder seal style was put forward for the hydraulic cylinder with large power, larger load and long journey.