...圆柱度误差评定; 最小区域解; 最小外接圆柱; 最大内接圆柱 中图分类号: T B92 文献标识码: A 文章 编号: 1000 1158( 2004) 02 0115 04[gap=1093]Key words: Metrology ; Improved genetic algorithm; Cylindricity error evaluation; Minimum zone solution; Minimum circumscribed cylinder; Max imum inscribed cyli..
Based on industrial CT, this dissertation studied the cylindricity error evaluation and inner surface display of pipeline.
There are many kinds of pipelines in real workpiece. The cylindricity error evaluation and inner surface display of pipe are significant for evaluating performance and service life.
In order to measure the cylindricity error of the pipe which is in the internal part of a workpiece, this paper studies a cylindricity error evaluation method based on industrial CT images.